Understanding the foundation of movement allows
for a safe, supportive practice


Meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts.

Mental health

Becoming more aware of the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us.


The body is of utmost importance for our holistic health as it is here that the mental and spiritual realms reside.

Anchal Pilani

I found my love for Yoga at a quaint Yoga Shala in Tribeca, New York. With one foot dipped in Corporate America, regular Yoga every Sunday kept me wanting more of an in-depth study of these esoteric sciences. As I moved back to India eventually wanting to stay closer to my family, as well as discover the root of my passion for yoga.

Find the right class for you

To continue making yoga accessible to everyone we offer classes online, in-person at our studio (mask required), and outdoors.

Experience real yoga with me

Health cannot be looked at as a single entity. In the Yogic sciences, we consider real health as a totality of harmony in the mental, physical and emotional layers. Come experience real health with me. I offer you those experiences and knowledge, that were instrumental in my healing journey – 

Inhale the Future, Exhale the Past.

Join Me Today!